
Back to school tendencies 2016

Today I wanted to write a fashion article. Even if this blog is specialized on beauty and fashion I have a little preference for fashion, I always loved it. That's for this reason that I wanted to present you a new series of articles : "Trend of .." in which one I will write articles about trend of the moment for shoes, accessorizes, clothes ..

Today, I come for an article about trends of back to school for clothes, what we could have in our wardrobe for back to school and for fall, which are the main stuff etc ..

First, I will talk about the main colors of fall 2016. For this season, I noticed that the main colors are mostly red, blue but also the mustard color or taupe grey. The color which surprised me the most is the purple, it's true that is not the best color to be discreet. Personally, I prefer blue, taupe grey and also green/kaki colors !
Next, let's talk about the main matter. For fall 2016, I notice that there are different main matters that I really love. Indeed, tulle is back and it's a matter that I love because it's bring a sophisticate aspect and it remember me my dances years. We can notice that this trend is really present on Zara in there dancer collection. Next, velvet is also a trend for fall 2016 and it was also one in winter 2015. Lamé is on of the best trend for myself, i love it mostly on middle skirts ! I noticed that there is also lots of piece with a metallic effect, and I prefer this trend in shoes and bags. Finally, trends which are always here for fall and winter, there are the leather and stitch
Veste métallisée - Jupe lamée - Sac à dos en velour - Baskets métallisées 

So here is the fall trends 2016 for matter and colors. I will come back soon to share with you pieces to have for this season !


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